Jeroen has instruments for sale for amateurs to professionals alike. With his help you will always find the instrument which suits you. Next to the instruments he builds himself, he sells instruments from German and Romanian ateliers. He also offers newly built Chinese instruments. He adjusts these instruments himself for an optimal sound and playability.
The instuments are available in a wide prize range:
Manufactured violins, violas | € 700,- | tot | € 3.000,- |
Manufactured celli | € 2.500,- | tot | € 5.000,- |
Violins and violas from small ateliers | € 3.000,- | tot | € 6.000,- |
Celli from small ateliers | € 5.000,- | tot | € 10.000,- |
Master grade instruments from | € 6.000,- |
Jeroen offers a wide range of accessories necessary for a string player.
He also sells bows built by A.J.M. Elswijk.
© Elswijk vioolbouw | Haarlem
+31 6 12637209 | jelswijk@gmail.com